Alexandra Llewellyn

Turquoise Wood Playing Cards Box


We only have 1 left. To enquire about higher quantities, contact us here.

Alexandra Llewellyn returns to her signature abstract design to create the Turquoise playing cards box, realised in a line-up of sustainable marquetry woods including walnut, sycamore, bird’s eye maple and tulipwood. It’s presented with two packs of her signature playing cards and an interior tray that lifts up to reveal a score pad and pencil.

Product number: 2215055005

View more: Alexandra Llewellyn / Cards & dice

Meet the Maker:

Alexandra Llewellyn

Alexandra Llewellyn’s passion for play, discovered learning backgammon as a child in Cairo, burns bright in her whimsical marquetry. Each of her bespoke game sets are functional art works, crafted and hand-painted by Llewellyn, a trained fine artist, in collaboration with 25 workshops across the UK.