Alexandra Llewellyn

Desert Travel Backgammon Set


Alexandra Llewellyn’s Desert travel backgammon set recreates the epic, languid beauty of a remote desert landscape – one entirely untouched by man, where wild birds swoop freely and time seems to stand still. To capture this moment, the original artwork has been digitally printed onto calf leather, with undulating sand dunes and spiky cacti replacing half of the triangles. Other thoughtful features include the semi-precious playing pieces in rose quartz and green agate, and the precision laser-cut dice. Don’t miss the weighted doubling cube, a detail that ensures cheating is a no-go.

Product number: 2205507009

View more: Alexandra Llewellyn / Backgammon & chess

Meet the Maker:

Alexandra Llewellyn

Alexandra Llewellyn’s passion for play, discovered learning backgammon as a child in Cairo, burns bright in her whimsical marquetry. Each of her bespoke game sets are functional art works, crafted and hand-painted by Llewellyn, a trained fine artist, in collaboration with 25 workshops across the UK.