Alexander Kirkeby

Hand-Blown Crystal Large Bowl


In his workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, Alexander Kirkeby designs unique pieces of glassware that do far more than simply serve a purpose. This bowl is the perfect example, made from hand-blown crystal with such thinness that he can expertly manipulate the shape into the fluid silhouette you see here. Note the finer details that highlight his master craftsmanship, like the rippled edges that curve up and around its contents. Please note, due to the unique and handcrafted nature of each piece, the shape and characteristics may vary.

Product number: 2219201014

View more: Alexander Kirkeby / Bowls

Meet the Maker:

Alexander Kirkeby

Based in Aarhus, Denmark, Alexander Kirkeby specialises in mouth-blown glassware that’s unique, creative and functional. Rather than finding inspiration in clean lines, he instead strives to develop a more contorted aesthetic – one that defies expectations and brings character to homes across the globe. As a result, his creations have an off-kilter way about them that’ll draw you in and implore you to analyse each one from every possible angle.