Alexandra Llewellyn

Tulip Oak Backgammon Set


We only have 1 left. To enquire about higher quantities, contact us here.

An enduring source of inspiration for Alexandra Llewellyn will forever be tulips – introduced to Europe from the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, they were once worth more than their weight in gold. Here, we see original artwork of the bloom digitally printed onto London Oak. The set is complete with leather playing pieces and shakers, precision laser-cut dice and a weighted doubling cube.

Product number: 2215055004

View more: Alexandra Llewellyn / Backgammon & chess

Meet the Maker:

Alexandra Llewellyn

Alexandra Llewellyn’s passion for play, discovered learning backgammon as a child in Cairo, burns bright in her whimsical marquetry. Each of her bespoke game sets are functional art works, crafted and hand-painted by Llewellyn, a trained fine artist, in collaboration with 25 workshops across the UK.