Yali Glass Vienna Goto Hand-Blown Murano Glass Tumblers (Set of 2)


Designed by founder Marie-Rose Kahane, Yali's set of yellow Vienna glasses make a colourful addition to any table setting. Murano maestros use a 13th-century lampworking technique involving oil lamps to heat glass — a great way to celebrate the handmade nature of Venetian glassmaking.

Product number: 2205201003

View more: Yali Glass / Tumblers & highballs

Meet the Maker:

Yali Glass

Marie-Rose's Yali glassware is made in the heart of Murano using mouth-blown 13th-century techniques; from glassblowing, to shaping and cutting glass with scissor-like tagianti. Her pieces reference the Renaissance period to the contemporary work of Carlo Scarpa.