Dal Negro Backgammon and Chess Compendium


Dal Negro has been creating wonderful games since 1756, each one a joy for families and friends to get stuck into. This compendium offers double the fun, presenting chess on one side and backgammon on the other. It’s hand-carved in Italy and complete with all the accessories you need for a fair tournament.

Product ID: 2209807016

View more from: Dal Negro / Compendiums

Dal Negro has been creating wonderful games since 1756, each one a joy for families and friends to get stuck into. This compendium offers double the fun, presenting chess on one side and backgammon on the other. It’s hand-carved in Italy and complete with all the accessories you need for a fair tournament.

Product ID: 2209807016

View more from: Dal Negro / Compendiums

Dal Negro Backgammon and Chess Compendium

